Early Careers.

Get ready to
build your
career with us.

Whether you are leaving school or university or want to start a career in construction, we can provide you with the right opportunity to achieve your career aspirations.

You will be part of a team of exceptional people, helping us to reshape the construction industry not just to build buildings and structures but also to create a better society and a better environment. Our Early Careers programmes offer a variety of exciting development opportunities to undergraduates, graduates, school, and college leavers.

Applications for all our trainee roles close at midday on Friday 29th March. This date may be brought forward or extended in line with the number of applications we receive. Please send your CV and Cover letter to earlycareers@mcgee.co.uk


Tell us how you got here.

Unlike most stories you will read, I did not come from a construction background. The journey that led me to McGee has had a few twists and turns, but it is a journey I am proud of.

After my A-Levels in 2002, I started work for a finance company in the admin department. In 2005, I became a Mum, and after a year’s maternity leave, I returned to work and worked my way up to Senior Assistant to 6 managers, 2 area managers and 1 regional manager. In 2014, my son needed a life-changing operation; this encouraged my decision to take voluntary redundancy and a career change, which would allow me to work flexibly whilst caring for my son.

At the beginning of 2020, I decided it was time to return to London. I was at the McGee Head Office for my interview days later and haven’t looked back since.

Why McGee?

McGee encourages growth within the company. With the support of my line manager, I have grown the role of office manager and what it demands, and I plan to continue to do so.

What tips would you give to others considering a career change?

I believe it is very important for you to enjoy your job and the company of the people you work with, something I feel not only lucky with here at McGee but also proud to say I am part of.

This little snippet of me will hopefully give you, whether you’re another young mum or someone who wants to change careers, the confidence and inspiration to do so.

Accreditations and Memberships.